Saturday, August 15, 2009

And so they go

Today is one of those bittersweet days. The puppies have started leaving for their new homes. Jaguar is now Amber and will live in Ormond Beach with Beth and Steve Moetzel. Lotus is now Sweetie (aka Woodwynd Sweet Tea) and will live in Mt Dora with Sarah Lenoci. Sarah will be showing Sweet Tea in Juniors and I'll do the honors in the breed ring (at least until they're both ready for the breed ring together).

Amber with Beth & Steve Moetzel

Sweet Tea with Sarah Lenoci

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crunch & Munch

Yesterday, the pups had their first real raw meaty bones meal - chicken necks! You should have seen the little carnivores go! If a picture says a thousand words, here's a couple thousand. I'm very pleased with how my adults do and how my pups grow up on a natural raw diet. I know that a couple of the pups will be staying on a raw diet and hope that the other owners will consider it too.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

BAERly There

We spent the better part of today at Affiliated Veterinary Specialists having the BAER test done. As you all know, Dalmatians as a breed are prone to deafness issues with approximately 8% being born bilaterally (both ears) deaf and another 13% born unilaterally (one ear) deaf. Hearing status can be medically checked using a process called Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response or BAER test. Today we were dealing with both neurologist Dr Mary Smith, but also Dr. Amanda Reichman, a neurology resident so the testing took a bit longer than we'd planned. BUT it was worth the wait. We have EIGHT bilateral hearing pups and one unilateral hearing (one ear) pup and no deaf pups! Once again, Pekoe and William have beaten the odds.

We did the 7 week photos yesterday afternoon and I hope to get them edited and up tonight. Temperament testing is also taking place this afternoon. But for now we are happy, happy, happy!