The next to last puppy went to her new home this morning. Ferrari has gone to the east side of town to live with Jackie Herrera and Clayton White. She'll be co-owned with me and shown under the "stagename" :>) of Woodwynd Amnes-tea. I'm not sure what she'll be called on a day-to-day basis, but I know she'll be telling Jackie & Clayton what it is pretty shortly! She starts puppy kindergarten tonight at the University of Doglando, a progressive training facility in east Orlando. Can't wait to see how she does!
Alpha Romeo is now the last puppy with us. The puppy pen will be cleaned out, folded up and the pool will go on to the Hallorans for the Brittany litter to move in (they were born in the same whelping box as this litter). Pinky as we've been calling her will move into her very own crate and spend the night in with us and the days either with me in the office or in the kennel room with the ''big dogs." Her new mom, Jeaninne Kerr will be coming down over Labor Day weekend to pick her up in person. She'll be living in St Lous and will be going on to (what we suspect will be) a stellar career in both conformation and obedience with agility as a possibility. She's going to be a do it all gal, like many of the Woodwynd Dals.