...,to the East Side. We finally got a piece of the rock.... Oops! These aren't' the Jeffersons!
Seriously though, more and more often a pup or two or three (like the three this AM) are getting out of the whelping box. Paul and I went to get a baby pool last night. KMart had only small ones. Target had only inflatable ones and though I gave this idea long consideration, they were all HUGE. WalMart has small ones and large ones with steps and a slide! After long thought and realizing that we'd have the pool cinched into an ex-pen and so the steps would be a fun place for the pups to play rather than an escape route, we decided on the large (6' diameter!) pool with the slide.
Wait nearly 15 min in line (why were so many people at WalMart at 10PM?!), pay for the pool and then IT WON'T FIT THROUGH THE VAN DOORS! Come on! I drive a CARGO VAN! So back inside to wait another 15 min to return the pool and I have to go back up today to see if they got any medium ones in and if not, what does Toys R Us have. Baby pools used to be easy, easy, easy to find. What gives?
Note: Toys R Us finally came through. Medium sized pool with no slide and it did fit in the van!
Too funny!